25th July 2005
All the links in the Stories section are currently broken. The individual bio pages should still be working, but the links to specific chapters won't be. The rational is as follows: one day, I hope to be published, and published with these stories (some of them, anyway). To that end, I am shifting all story content across to my livejournal, and it will be locked under a specific filter. I am in the process of doing that right now. If you would like to continue reading the stories, then just drop me a comment and ask to be put on the Paradise Lost filter. If you don't have a livejournal, the service is free and you can sign up here.
19th May 2004
Took a while, huh. The new stuff:
The story I wrote for Twig for her contest in 2003 is up. The Guardian, the Mage, and the Dragon.
Two new short stories are up: Rahn and Danya/Sukhael.
I added a section on to the end of Chapter 9 of NaNoWriMo2002 to finish off the chapter. Yes, I am going to start writing more of this one, skipping over the bits that I've lost and will hopefully still get back... *crosses fingers*
Enjoy. ^_^
5th January 2004
Okay, got a bit of typing done down south. Big update this time. ^_^ New stuff:
Lissalya chapters 1 through 4 are up. I've added a quick who's who under the team picture as well. Thanks to Michael Grubb, my resident army source, for some nice information to make Chapter 1 a little more authentic.
Ice Dancer chapters 1 through 5 are up.
Rite of Passage is up. Yes, you heard me - the entire story. I think it's the only thing I've ever managed to finish. ^_^;;
Several new short stories are up: The Rose, Dream Story, New Years Eve Story, Submarine Dream Story, and Darkfic.
Also up in the short stories section is the story I entered for the Unisfa Short Story Competition 2003. Friendship fic Version 3: Moments in Time.
Child of Fire prologue and chapter 1 are up. A few more chapters and the pictures won't be spoilers anymore! ^_^
Saskia's Story chapter 1 and 2 are up. I do apologise for the quality of this one - I wrote it about six years ago, and it really shows. ^_^; Maybe I can sell it as a kids book or something. :)
Ank'iara chapter 1 is up. See above with regards quality - I wrote it about the same amount of time ago.
The play I turned Amberwing into is up - no story yet, sorry, but the play is a vastly simplified version of it.
And finally, the one you've all been waiting for... My NaNoWriMo for 2003, Before the Dawn, is up. Characters and chapters 1 through 9. ^_^
Please enjoy.
13th December
Okay, did quite a bit of work today. Apart from general maintenance, we have:
Before the Dawn index page, no story yet, but look for it coming very soon.
Dragon/Serpent prologue and chapter 1 are up, although chapter 1 is incomplete, not because I didn't type it all, but because that's as far as I've written. eheh. ^_^;;
Ice Dancer prologue is up - I was going to put the next chapter up but I'd have to type it and my back is sore. So. Next update, maybe. ^_^
Happy, Twig? :P
11th December 2003
Been a while, huh? NaNo almost kicked my butt, however I prevailed once again. ^_^ Look for Before the Dawn, coming to Paradise Lost real soon now!
Anyway. the update for today (although this was up a few days ago... I am a bad person) is Rhyliann. The prologue and chapter 1 are up, as well as the teaser if you want to know some extra stuff. Not that it gives much away...
Please enjoy!
8th November 2003
Scanned some of the various pictures that I had lying around for my stories. So, in no particular order, we have:
The series of short snippets in the Gilder universe are up.
Picture of Fei up in the Raknoth short section.
Pictures of various characters up for Child of Fire. Unfortunately, there are spoiler warnings for most of them. I'll type the story soon, really. ...maybe after NaNo is over. ^_^;
Fixed the layout of Liria. Finally looks like it's supposed to, like it did before Fu-kun died. I also have up there a picture of Kit (who we haven't met yet) by Falstaff, and a picture of Liria's tattoo.
The map for Rhyliann is up.
The necklace for Dragon/Serpent is up.
I'll try to have more actual story sections soon. In the meantime, please enjoy the art.
28th October 2003
Hey everyone! Paradise Lost is finally up! All the links should work, except for my links page - it still needs a bit of work, so I haven't put that up yet. All the stories on the Stories page have index pages and character pages, but most of them don't actually have chapters up yet. The stuff that is up:
NaNo chapters 6 through 9
Liria chapters 1 and 2
The Mark of Les'na All of Part 1 and chapters 1 and 2 of Part 2
Lissalya prologue
VRstory prologue
Please, read and enjoy. ^_^